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171. Amigoland by Oscar Casares...

October 2, 2009
amigolandAbout the book:
In a sleepy town nestled against the Mexican border live two brothers, Don Fidencio and Don Celestino. Aging, stubborn, and fiercely independent, they have more in common than either will admit, and an argument so old neither wants to concede. The dispute--their grandfather's alleged kidnapping in Mexico more than a century ago and the truth of their family heritage--appears destined to die with two men too consumed with the past to ever put it behind them. But when Don Celestino falls in love with a Mexican housekeeper named Socorro, she leads the begrudging brothers on a quest to end their estrangement--while they still can.

In a story full of warmth and wonder, Oscar Casares takes us on a treacherous but tender journey as the unlikely trio ventures far into Mexico and deep into the past, following their only lead: that of the lost, and possibly mythic, home of their grandfather, El Rancho Capote. As the brothers test the limits of their pride and patience, they uncover long-hidden truths both painful and redemptive, and learn it's never too late for a new beginning.

With precise, winsome prose and heartfelt humor that won widespread accolades for his story collection, Brownsville, Oscar Casares's debut novel of family lost and found radiates with the generosity and grace of a truly original voice in American fiction.

drey's thoughts:
For me, Amigoland was a slow read. Probably because it was my leave-in-the-car-so-I-have-something-to-read-while-in-the-school-pickup-line... Which meant I got to read it in 10-minute spurts. So, I forgot bits and pieces here and there. But that didn't seem to lessen my enjoyment of Oscar Casares' warm and at times funny story of two brothers who've been apart for so long they can't remember the why of it anymore.

The interaction between the two grouches was at times bitter, and at times sweet and silly. It's hard to see how much animosity existed between the two--I was quite glad that Don Celestino finally went to see Don Fidencio at the nursing home, and the visits became a regular thing. As for Don Celestino's relationship with Socorro, let's just say I didn't quite get it. But hey, at least he doesn't beat her up or cheat on her, so I guess that's an improvement from her previous relationship.

And the little adventure to El Rancho Capote? Heh. You'll have to read it for yourself to enjoy that episode of this debut novel from Oscar Casares...

Title: Amigoland
Author: Oscar Casares
ISBN-10: 0316159697
ISBN-13: 9780316159692
ARC: 360 pages
Publisher: Little, Brown, and Company, 2009

Challenges: 100+


bermudaonion said...

It sounds like a winner if you enjoyed it despite not getting to spend much time with it at each sitting.

Ladytink_534 said...

Sounds like a good "grouchy old men" book! I hate reading in spurts like that because I always forget so much of it.

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