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181. How Not to Make a Wish by Mindy Klasky...

October 13, 2009
how not to make a wishAbout the book:
While cleaning an old lantern, Kira Franklin releases a genie. But this gender-morphing, appearance-bending creature doesn't do "big" wishes. So forget stopping world hunger or ending war. And still heartbroken from the jerk who dumped her, Kira doesn't believe in the perfect man.

So she wishes for her dream job. Stage manager at the hottest theater in town, the Landmark. And presto: she's running Romeo and Juliet. Except, like everything else these days, this is one crazy production. And now Teel, the genie, insists she finish her wishes so "he" can move on.

Her second wish is about her appearance, which isn't exactly catching her third wish's eye. And there's the rub.

Because that old saying about being careful what you wish for is so spot-on. And Kira is about to discover that moxie, not magic, is what can make all your dreams come true.

drey's thoughts:
How Not to Make a Wish is chick-lit with a heroine you'll like. A hero who kind of stays in the background (heh). And a story with a genie in a lamp. Yes, lamp. Like in Aladdin. Do I need to tell you to be careful with genies?

Anyway. While I liked Kira's character, I'm not sure I liked some of her decisions. I guess the first one made sense--there's no sense in becoming a lawyer if you can find something (anything!) else to do, right? But the second? Didya think nobody would notice the change? Gee... As for the third, I have no clue what Kira saw in Drew. Seriously, girl--what were you thinking? *shakes head* Like, really...

Mindy Klasky's latest offering is fluffy chick-lit that you read with hot chocolate (with marshmallows, or a dash of Bailey's). And while it's entertaining, and I totally get the 3-wish thing, I wanted Kira to make good decisions for herself. Because, even though we read chick-lit for an escape from the mundane, I still want my heroines to be better.

Title: How Not to Make a Wish
Author: Mindy Klasky
ISBN-10: 077832737X
ISBN-13: 9780778327370
Paperback: 327 pages
Publisher: Mira, 2009

Challenges: 100+, Pub

Disclosure: My copy of How Not to Make a Wish was provided for review by Mindy Klasky herself.


bermudaonion said...

I love the idea of the book, but it sounds like it could have been executed a little bit better.

holdenj said...

It sounds good. Her name is familiar, I guess I'll have to check her out and see if I've read an older one.

Jillian said...

Looks good! I look forward to picking this up : )

And speaking of good reads! I think you would really love a book I wrote called 'Knickles and Dimes'. It's a really fun read, with laugh-out-loud characters and a great story. I hope you'll check it out!

Thanks for the review!


Anonymous said...

Sounds fun - if light and fluffy.

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