One of my favorite bloggers ever, J.Kaye, has totally awed me by passing on the Heart of a Dragon award. Like, to ME!! *swoon*
- Post the award on your site with a link to the person who gave it to you.
- Pass it on to the blogger(s) who inspire you and list why they are receiving the award.
- Post a comment on their blog.
So, um... Let's see...
- Rebecca Anne at Provocation of Mine(d) always manages to impress me, not just with what she has to say, but how she says it.
- Alyce at At Home With Books and her thoughtful posts always make me want to write what I think about things--not review or tour or giveaway related--but I'm too chicken. Maybe that can be my New Year's resolution? Yeah, it's coming to that time of year again... *sigh*

This one comes from Karen over at Bookin' with Bingo. And I'm pretty sure I'm going to miss someone on this list...
- The Book Smugglers--I think the name is soooooo cool, not to mention the header!
- Should be Reading--I haven't participated in Teaser Tuesdays for a while, but that doesn't mean I don't love to drop in (sneakily)...
- Book Soulmates--What can I say, these gals are just fun!

Another one from Karen: The Pugtastic George Award
Erm, I know that J.Kaye (of J.Kaye's Book Blog, if I really need to tell you... I think everyone knows J.Kaye!!) needs to be on this list. And Aerin of In Search of Giants.
- Put the Pugtastic George Award on your post.
- Nominate any number of people (at any time) that you feel have gone "above and beyond" in helping out another blogger.
- Link your nominees in your post.
- Let the nominees know that they have received this award, by leaving a comment on their blog.
- Be kind and link back to the person from whom you received the award.
And, last but definitely not least, Mari at MariReads sent the Lemonade Stand award my way.
Thank you, everyone! I'm honored that you think so highly of me & my lil' ol' blog...
Congratulations on your well deserved awards!
Congratulations on your awards! Thanks so much for passing the Heart of the Dragon award on to me - that was so thoughtful!
Thank you Drey, your words and thoughts are very much appreciated.
And I must say, but the amount of awards you've received just on this entry, it's clear everyone thinks what I do about your blog. The writing it fantastic and the content is always great~
Well done and congrats
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