ANYWAY. Just because I can't tell you that I LOVED the book (which I might not, but that's beside the point), doesn't mean I don't have anything to share at all... Oh, no. I have for you, my dahling readers, a round-table interview with some of the characters who inhabit Chloe's world of the Chicagoland Vampires. Read on!
drey: Hello everyone! Welcome, and thank you so much for sharing your time with us. Let's get started!
drey: Ethan--You were the one who turned her. Why were you on campus that night? Was there really no other
option (as in, couldn't you have stopped the attack before it happened)? (I'm sure Merit would really like to know.)
Ethan: *arching an eyebrow* Rest assured, I consider us to be very fortunate to have been there when Merit was in danger.
Mallory: *rolling her eyes* Way to be evasive there, Sullivan. (drey: no kidding)
Catcher: Not now, Mallory.
Mallory: *Gives Catcher a curious look* Okaaay, changing the subject now.
drey: Mallory, how worried were you for Merit when she finally came home? For yourself? Were you just a teeny bit antsy about having a vamp roomie?
Mallory: *pushing her hair behind her ears* Well, I was probably equal parts completely freaked, and equal parts totally jealous. It's not that I was worried about Merit being fanged; I knew she could handle that part. But Merit's kind of a loner, a booklover, and vampires have more of a herd mentality. And as for jealousy, *she points at her hair* this is a fabulous look for a vampire. I'd have made a great one.
Catcher: Not that you don't have enough going on already.
Mallory: What he said.
drey: Morgan, really, why were you so rude at the club that night? Loved the groveling, by the way. What I really want to know is, why courtship? We know why Cadogan House isn't everyone's favorite. But what about Navarre? How did Celina feel about it? And will being Master of Navarre change the "situation" with Merit?
Morgan: First off, ouch. (drey: heh) I wasn't being rude; I was just surprised. (drey: whatever!) Cadogan vamps don't just walk into Red. It's not done. And I didn't speak with Celina about the courtship issue; as second, I saw an opportunity to hang with Merit, and I made a quick decision. *shrugs* So far, so good.
Mallory: *leaning toward Morgan* Good decision. She's quite a catch.
Morgan: *smiling back* Thanks. I agree.
Ethan: *rolls eyes* (dude. you had your chance...)
drey: Ethan, what about you? Do you think Morgan's change in status means an even closer alliance between Cadogan and Navarre? What if it doesn't work out?
Ethan: I'd hate to speak for Ethan or Morgan, but I will never complain about positive communication between the members of our Houses. The rest is up to them, I suppose.
Morgan: That's real big of you, Sullivan.
Ethan: Remember who you're talking to, Greer. (drey: ok, no fangs at the round-table!)
drey: Catcher, good job with the training, by the way. Now that Merit's Cadogan's Sentinel, will it continue? And are you moving in with Mallory? (yes, I'm nosy, lol!) How is her training going?
Catcher: She's coming along. Not as quickly as I'd like, but she's coming along. And as far as I'm aware, I'll keep training her. *shrugging negligently* I suppose that's up to Sullivan. As for Mallory . . . *slides Mallory a glance*
Mallory: *rolling her eyes* Oh, whatever. You're practically moved in already. (drey: lol)
drey: Mallory--*grin* So. Magic. How hard is it to accept something about yourself that you'd never known? Do you and Merit compare notes on adjusting (or not, as the case may sometimes be)? Do you think you'll see less of her now that she's Sentinel and will probably move into Cadogan House? How do you feel about that?
Mallory: *holding up her hands* Let's not even talk about her moving into Cadogan House. I'm still pretending that's not going to happen. We really haven't talked much about the magic stuff. She's dealing with a lot of vampire drama right now, you know? And as for me . . . I'm dealing. *shrugs* That's about all I can say about that.
drey: Ethan, back to you. What happened to Amber?
Ethan: *Giving dark look* Nothing I need to repeat in mixed company. Suffice it to say, she's no longer a resident of this House. (drey: & I hope it was a GOOD send-off, too!)
Mallory: Good riddance, too. *leaning toward Ethan* You can do better. For realsies.
Ethan: *dryly* Thank you, Mallory.
drey: Catcher, how do you see Celina's actions affecting the relationship between the Ombudsman's office and the vampires? Will it be closer? Or not?
Catcher: Closer? I hope not. No offense, Ethan.
Ethan: None taken.
Catcher: But I think we all know that peace isn't going to last forever. *shrugs* So we have to be prepared for the worst, whatever that might be. It will probably involve working with vamps.
drey: Ethan, what do you think?
Ethan: We have a good relationship with the Ombud's office, and have no qualms about the continuance of that relationship.
drey: Everyone--What's next? Will the vamps war? How will that affect or impact all the other supernaturals? And will it spread beyond Chicago?
Mallory: *grimacing* God, I hope not. But as much drama as we've seen in the last few months, who knows? Would it surprise anyone?
Catcher: Yes, lots, and probably, yes.
Ethan: Time will tell. God willing, we'll be able to avoid full-out war. But I'm beginning to think that's unlikely.
Morgan: I certainly hope not, but who's to say what's to come?
drey: Alright. This has been serious enough. For some levity, everyone please share:
- Favorite food
Mallory: Um, probably a good red hot.
Catcher: Fried chicken. And biscuits. Together.
Morgan: Dogwood sandwiches
Ethan: Steak au poivre
drey: Favorite movie?
Mallory: Underworld
Morgan: Happy Gilmore (drey: really?)
Catcher: I do watch a lot of Lifetime. Probably the one about the lady who overcomes obstacles and whatnot. (drey: dude.)
Mallory: Isn't that all of them.
Catcher: My point, exactly.
Ethan: The Maltese Falcon
drey: Cats or dogs?
Mallory: Allergic. (drey: yeah, me too. *sniff*)
Catcher: No, thank you.
Ethan: Seconded.
Morgan: *shrugging* Dogs, I guess?
drey: Books or magazines?
Mallory: Both, in copious quantities.
Catcher: I don't read much.
Ethan: Books.
Morgan: Um, magazines, probably? SI or ESPN: The Magazine?
- What is black and white and red all over? (Ok, you don't have to answer this...)
Catcher: Thank you. (drey: you're welcome)
drey: Everyone, I really appreciate your taking the time to come and chat, and I am pretty darn sure my readers are, too. THANK YOU! Come back soon... =)

About the author:
Chloe Neill was born and raised in the South, but now makes her home in the Midwest, just close enough to Cadogan House to keep an eye on the vampires. When not transcribing Merit’s adventures, she bakes, watches entirely too much television, roots for her favorite college football team (Go Big Red!), plays with her dog, Baxter, and spends time with a pretty great--and very handsome--guy (who she's pretty sure isn't a vampire). She lurks online at her website,
I'm so excited book 2 is out and as soon as I can I will have it in my hot little hands to read.
Fun interview.Those were great questions for the round table :) I like when the characters are interviewed.
FNB its great,you won't be disappointed.
Hi Drey,
Thanks to you and Chloe for doing the interview. I had fun reading it with lots of laughter on my side of things. Book 2 is on the way to my hand. Can't wait!!!!
elaing8~ Aargh!! You're such a tease!! lol, just kidding!
wheels~ I KNEW you'd be visiting today... =)
I've really wanted to read book 1 and now 2 is out already! I need to get going and get the first one. This was a riot!
It was!! I really appreciate Chloe taking the time to answer the questions from each character's POV. And it's so entertaining, too... =)
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