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Carrie Vaughn blog tour ~ Proust-lite interview...

March 25, 2009
I've mentioned this lots of times before - Carrie Vaughn is one of my absolute-favorite authors! So, I couldn't help but squeal at the opportunity to have her answer some questions... Carrie has graciously agreed to answer my favorite - a Proust-lite interview (I've loved this since I first saw Inside the Actor's Studio, with James Lipton!).

So, here's my 10. Thanks to Carrie for playing along!
  1. What is your idea of earthly happiness? A good dinner with good wine, friends, and music.
  2. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Losing someone I care about.
  3. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? Harry in Robin McKinley's The Blue Sword.
  4. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? Women like Jane Goodall, Sandra Day O'Conner, Amelia Earhart, who did what they loved and broke boundaries.
  5. What sound do you love? Horses eating at dinnertime.
  6. What sound do you hate? Glass breaking.
  7. The quality you admire most in a man? Passion for something, anything.
  8. The quality you admire most in a woman? The same.
  9. If not a writer, you would be a crazy person.
  10. What is your favorite swear word? Frak!

About the author:
Carrie Vaughn had the nomadic childhood of the typical Air Force brat, with stops in California, Florida, North Dakota, Maryland, and Colorado. She holds a Masters in English Literature and collects hobbies - fencing and sewing are currently high on the list. She lives in Boulder, Colorado, and can be found online at her website and blog. <-- I LOVE her blog!

Carrie is the author of the Kitty Norville series:

My reviews are linked below:
Kitty and the Midnight Hour
Kitty Goes to Washington
Kitty Takes a Holiday
Kitty and the Silver Bullet
Kitty and the Dead Man's Hand
Kitty Raises Hell

A little something extra from Carrie, when she answered the questions: If you want to see something funny, NPR did this with Cookie Monster. His answer for #10: "Me get in trouble for that." I found the NPR interview here. There was no code to embed the video, but do check it out!

If you've made it this far, I congratulate you!! As a reward, you may enter a giveaway for a grand prize of all 6 books (see the covers above - aren't they delish? And yes, J.R., you want these...). In addition, someone will win a copy of Kitty and the Dead Man's Hand, and another lucky ducky will win a copy of Kitty Raises Hell. Thanks to Miriam at Hachette Book Group for this generosity!

For one entry, comment and answer one of the Proust interview questions above. Answer 'em all for 10 entries. =) As usual, +1 for following, +2 for sharing this with the world. Yes, this is my insidious plan to take over the world (I have Pinky & the Brain, on my brain...). Muahahahaha!

Regular HBG rules apply - U.S. and Canada only, no P.O. boxes. Sorry!

Come back after April 5th to find out if you're a winner. You'll have 3 days to get me your pertinent info, or some other lucky bugger'll get your prize. Good luck!

If you can't wait till April to find out if you've won, click on the covers to get these books at Amazon.

Blog tour stops:


Anonymous said...

Hi Drey I have a tiny problem with the Carrie Vaughn interview. The blue lettering in the grey box does not show up well on both of my monitors. I can't read it. You and Carrie Rock!!! I hope this helps.
Later Gator,

drey said...

Hi wheels! Thanks for pointing that out. I wish blogger's "preview" would actually let you preview the post as it would show up, but it doesn't... It's fixed now.

Anonymous said...

1. What is your idea of earthly happiness? Time spent with loved ones, doing nothing important.
2. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Unrequited love.
3. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? Buffy Summers
4. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? My mother, for teaching me about equality by living it.
5. What sound do you love? A guitar, any guitar, playing anything.
6. What sound do you hate? The slamming of a door.
7. The quality you admire most in a man? Integrity.
8. The quality you admire most in a woman? Integrity (sorry, it's the same regardless of gender).
9. If not a (blog) writer, I would be having way too many conversations with myself.
10. What is your favorite swear word? The f-bomb or "balls!".

And, of course, I follow you.

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

Hi Drey,
No need to enter me for the contest, I just wanted to say that I loved your blog tour post and Proust-lite interview! My blog tour post is here Unmainstream Mom Reads if you want to add the link to your list :)

Unknown said...

What is your idea of earthly happiness? Spending time with the people I love
What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Living your life alone
Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? Rachel Morgan from Kim Harrison's Hollows series
Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? My mom.
What sound do you love? My nephew's laugh
What sound do you hate? sirens
The quality you admire most in a man? honesty
The quality you admire most in a woman? the ability to laugh at themselves
If not a writer, you would be me
What is your favorite swear word? rhymes with truck

I'm a follower.

Kelly said...

I love the idea of the proust lite interview! No need to enter me in your contest, but I wanted to let you know that I love your blog! I'm a follower now!

I had fun with the tour...I made up my own Kitty's playlist and added a music player so people can listen if they want. (A lot more '70's music..but hey...I'm old! And yes, I went for the obvious...lots of songs like Superstition, Spooky Little Girl Like You, etc.)

Erika Powell said...

1. What is your idea of earthly happiness? laying in the yard with a glass of sweet tea and a great book in the middle of July.
2. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Losing someone I care about. (I agree)
3. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? Hermione in Harry Potter
4. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? Susan B Anthony
5. What sound do you love? the ocean
6. What sound do you hate? babies crying
7. The quality you admire most in a man? drive and motivation
8. The quality you admire most in a woman? The same.
9. If not a writer, you would be
I work in PR for college athletics
10. What is your favorite swear word? i drop the F bomb way more than I should

and of course I am already a follower

Liviania said...

I love the Blue Sword, so I'm glad to hear Carrie likes it too!

*don't enter me, I own the series*

housemouse88 said...

1. What is your idea of earthly happiness? Spending time with my better half.
2. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Losing a loved one.
3. Who is/are your favorite heroine's in fiction? There are way to many too name.
4. Who is/are your favorite heroine's in real life? My mother and grandma
5. What sound do you love? Birds singing and my roosters crowing
6. What sound do you hate? People arguing
7. The quality you admire most in a man? Compassion for others
8. The quality you admire most in a woman? Strength of character
9. If not a reader, I would not be a nice person to live with.
10. What is your favorite swear word? The f-bomb

Please enter me. I'm also a follower. house_mouse88 at yahoo dot com

Shooting Stars Mag said...

What is your idea of earthly happiness? Friends and family, and awesome books! And chocolate!

What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? I agree with Carrie. Losing someone I love.

Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction?
Mmm...Hermione in the Harry Potter series. Ciara from Wicked Game by Jeri-Smith Ready.

Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? My mom.

What sound do you love? The rain

What sound do you hate? Creaks and tears

The quality you admire most in a man? Kindness

The quality you admire most in a woman? The same.

If not a writer, you would be a reader. :)

What is your favorite swear word?
Fudge muffin. :-)

I'm now following, I'd love to be entered.
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

Cackleberry Homestead said...

1. What is your idea of earthly happiness? A warm spring day outside with a good book and chocolate

2. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Losing someone I care about. Have to agree with that one.

3. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? Currently Zoey Redbird from the PC/Kristin Cast House of Night books
4. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? Nora Roberts for doing what she loves in life. Sarah Palin for putting herself out there
5. What sound do you love? Hearing I love you from one of my boys
6. What sound do you hate? Whining from one of my boys
7. The quality you admire most in a man? Being able to show affection
8. The quality you admire most in a woman? Confidence in herself without having to knock others down.
9. If not a writer, I'm not a writer so I guess I can't answer this one.
10. What is your favorite swear word? Da**it - my sons can attest to this one and use it appropriately - I'm ashamed to admit

Thanks for the contest and I'm also a follower now.

Anonymous said...

I really want to read this series. You are already on my blogroll, google reader and I posted about your contest here:

1. What is your idea of earthly happiness? Curled up on the sofa with a good book and not have to worry about waking up early the next day.
2. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Losing someone I care about.
3. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? Eliza Bennet from Pride & Prejudice
4. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? Hmm...never really thought about this. My mom is probably the woman who influenced me most in life though.
5. What sound do you love? Whenever my daughter is not crying
6. What sound do you hate? Nails on the chalk board.
7. The quality you admire most in a man? considerate of others.
8. The quality you admire most in a woman? The same.
9. If not a writer, you would be a crazy person.
10. What is your favorite swear word? Fruit (hey I have a daughter around repeating everything we say)

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Earthly happiness is drey sending Susan mail about this! I'd have posted the interview even without the give at the bottom, lady -- people want to know more about Ms. Vaughn. Like me.

Go on and enter me for this one. You don't want me to answer these questions. Sound I love: the sound I make when I have mail from Drey. Sound I hate: the echo of my empty inbox.

You get the idea.


Kat Bryan said...

What is your idea of earthly happiness? Reading a good book while holding a cat and having a cup of coffee nearby.
What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Losing someone I love
Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? Cinderella - work hard and wait long enough and your dreams can come through
Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? my sisters
What sound do you love? babies laughing, birds.
What sound do you hate? the sound of a car crash.
The quality you admire most in a man? honesty and sense of humor.
The quality you admire most in a woman? The same.
If not a writer, you would be - (I'm not a writer but I keep a blog, does that count?)
What is your favorite swear word? Sh*t

lingeorge said...

1 - Earthly Happiness? Curled up with a book and a Hot Toddy in front of the fireplace on a stormy winter evening.
2 - Lowest Misery? Visiting your younger brother in ICU after the motorcycle accident that broke his neck.
3 - Favorite heroine(s) in real life? The suffragettes that fought for our right to participate in the governing process.
4 - Heroine(s) in real life? Sandra Day O'Conner, Michele Obama, Hillory Clinton, and women who fight to correct the system in spite of the negativity they must overcome.
5 - Sound I Love? My Grandson's Laughter.
6 - Sound I Hate? Anyone sobbing in misery for loved one's hurt.
7 - Quality I admire in a man? True friendship, and 40 years of giving and sharing. (my husband)
8 - Quality in a woman? - the same, as most of my women friends are.
9 - If not a writer? I would be an editor.
10 - Favorite Swear Word? "Chards"
I love Carrie Vaughn, and have read all her books.


Mishel (P.S. I Love Books) said...

I need all these books Drey!!

What is your idea of earthly happiness? Reading a great book without having to worry about schoolwork!

What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? I'd have to agree and jump on the bandwagon with this one... losing someone I care about just about hits the spot.

Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? Off the top of my head I'd say Joanna Archer from the Zodiac Series by Vicki Pettersson...that girl is tough!

Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? Definitely you Drey, you're blog is crazy amazing and I love it. Other than you (= I'd go with my mom because she's such a generous person and I'd honestly be lost without her. *tears up*

What sound do you love? My neice's laughter...makes me smile everytime

What sound do you hate? Any kind of alarm clock...the buzzing, the beeping, the annoying siren thing. I loathe all of them.

The quality you admire most in a man? Honesty...I choose this one because I always pick the liars. *smacks head*

The quality you admire most in a woman? Genuine kindness. It's hard to find...especially where I work *shudders*

If not a writer, you would be - well I'm not a writer...but if I was one and I had to pick something else to be I'd go with a job that had to do with animals because I absolutely love em. *big hugs to my animal friends*

What is your favorite swear word? it's a toss up between sh*t and f*ck. I say em both a lot (= What can I say, I'm a big potty mouth...

I'm already a follower *bows down* and I posted a link to this awesome contest on my sidebar!!

If I haven't told you already...I need these books Drey, seriously!

P.S. this was way fun!

Anonymous said...

1) What is your idea of earthly happiness? a great book with a good dinner standing by.

2) What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Either losing someone I love, or being somewhere with no access to books. Both would be unbearable to me.

3) Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? Anyone in a Tamora Pierce book.

4) Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? Queen Elizabeth I, Amelia Earhart, and other strong women who helped change the world and redefine boundries.

5) What sound do you love? Birds chirping.

6) What sound do you hate? A dentist drill.

7) The quality you admire most in a man? Trust.

8) The quality you admire most in a woman? Honesty. The nice kind, not cruelty.

9) If not a writer, you would be: Miserable

10) What is your favorite swear word? Bloody (too many British movies)

I'm not a follower, but I am subscribed. Does that count? In any case, enter me please. Thanks!


Vanessa said...

1. What is your idea of earthly happiness? A book, a cozy sunbeam, and a few hours to enjoy them.
2. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Watching my children suffer.
3.Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? Right now I want to say Maximum Ride, because who wouldn't love being able to fly?
4. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? Amelia Earhart
5. What sound do you love? Raindrops falling on my roof.
6. What sound do you hate? Raindrops falling on my head.
7. The quality you admire most in a man? Integrity.
8. The quality you admire most in a woman? The same.
9. If not a mom/businesswoman, you would be...more rested.
10. What is your favorite swear word? Frig!

Thanks for this great giveaway! I hope I win.

Vanessa said...

I'm a follower!


Kat Bryan said...

I am a subscriber.

Anonymous said...

What is your idea of earthly happiness? a massage followed by a book on the beach with a tasty beverage!
What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Laundry
Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? Hermione Granger from Harry Potter
Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? My paternal Grandmother and my mom's cousin
What sound do you love? Spring Peepers (frogs)What sound do you hate? A husky howling for attention
The quality you admire most in a man? A Sense of humor and mad cooking skills
The quality you admire most in a woman? Personal style and confidence
What is your favorite swear word? @#$%&*

bermudaonion said...

Everyone seems to love these books. My idea of earthly happiness is being with my family. milou2ster(at)

KR said...

1. What is your idea of earthly happiness?friends and family and God
2. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Losing a loved one
3. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? Scarlett O'Hara
4. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? My Mom
5. What sound do you love? The ocean
6. What sound do you hate? Squeaky chalk on blackboard - I teach!
7. The quality you admire most in a man? Being able to show emotions
8. The quality you admire most in a woman? Honesty
9. If not a teacher, you would be a journalist
10. What is your favorite swear word? sh*t

I Follow.

Pissenlit said...

1. What is your idea of earthly happiness?
Falling asleep in my bed to the sound of a thunderstorm.
2. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
Losing a loved one.
3. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction?
Sira Morgan from Julie E. Czerneda's The Clan Chronicles series, Lily Bard and Sookie Stackhouse from two of Charlaine Harris' series, Mercedes Thompson from the same titled series by Patricia Briggs and Margaret Alton from Marion Zimmer Bradley's Darkover series.
4. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life?
My Mum
5. What sound do you love?
A thunderstorm. Extra brownie points if there's also the tinkling of metal windchimes.
6. What sound do you hate?
The ticking of a metronome.
7. The quality you admire most in a man?
8. The quality you admire most in a woman?
9. If not a writer, you would be a
10. What is your favorite swear word?
I don't swear a lot but it's a toss-up between sh*t, f*ck, frak, and frell. Oddly enough, if I've been reading or watching something in French, I tend to swear in Quebec French for awhile.

Becca said...

Earthly happiness? A good book, and comfy sofa, and a cup of tea.

I blogged about this here:


Lexie said...

1. What is your idea of earthly happiness? A limitless room of books, dessert and pasta.
2. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? A funeral.
3. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? Yelena (Poison Study) and Rowan (The Rowan)
4. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? Milla Jovavich and the first Queen Elizabeth.
5. What sound do you love? I actually prefer silence.
6. What sound do you hate? Car horns.
7. The quality you admire most in a man? Humor.
8. The quality you admire most in a woman? The same.
9. If not a writer, you would be a world traveller.
10. What is your favorite swear word? Dren, Frell or Frak (scifi swears are the best.) If I could spell it properly there's a Klingon swear word I apparently used a lot as a child as well.

Sage Ravenwood said...

Ok, here goes:

1. My idea of earthy happiness would be those moments I'm laying down next to my working dog and looking into her eyes, nose to nose. I truly do want to be the person she thinks I am.
2. The lowest depth of misery is a child unwanted and unloved.
3.Favorite heroine in fiction would be Jilly from Charles de Lint's "The Onion Girl". Anyone who learns to overcome childhood abuse is a hero in my eyes.
4.Favorite Heroines in real life would be Joan of Arc or Helen Keller.
5.I can no longer hear, but when I could I loved to hear the caw of crowe. There is always something insulting and playful at the same time in that sound.
6.What sound do I hate? A fist hitting flesh.
7.What quality do I admire most in a man? Humility, it's a rare trait. Most men tend to be boastful.
8.In a women? Courage and Strength in the face of adversity
9. If not a writer I would advocate against Domestic Violence and Animal cruelty.
10. Favorite curse word, is more like a saying:
What a crock of sh**.

And finally of course I follow you too. This was a fun way to enter multiple times. Thanks! Indigo

Oh, by the way Sway arrived safe and sound. Thanks again! (Hugs)Indigo

Lorin said...

1. What is your idea of earthly happiness? Spending time (probably reading) with my husband.
2. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Losing a loved one or watching a loved one lose their partner.
3. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? Alanna (from Tamora Pierce's books) from when I was a kid, Buffy. I also like Precious from the No 1 Ladie's Detective Agency books.
4. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? My mom, for raising a family alone and doing such a good job at it.
5. What sound do you love? Rain, when I don't have to go out in it.
6. What sound do you hate? People sniffling or chewing with their mouth open. Gross.
7. The quality you admire most in a man? Generosity.
8. The quality you admire most in a woman? Ditto.
9. If not [an architect], you would be a ... I have no idea. I wanted to be an astronaut when I was a kid.
10. What is your favorite swear word? I say sh*t waayyy too often.

Oh, and I already follow you.

lorin_arch (at) hotmail (dot) com

Kytaira said...

1 What is your idea of earthly happiness? Relaxing with a good book and my family on a boat.
2 What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Losing your child.
3 Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? I can't really think of one. I've had many a liked but I'm more story line driven than character driven.
4 Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? All of the women that touched lives or broke barriers WITHOUT the public recognition.
5 What sound do you love? When my children were babies and they babbled
6 What sound do you hate? fingernails down a chalkboard.
7 The quality you admire most in a man? humour
8 The quality you admire most in a woman? The same.
9 If not a (), I would still do my job to the best of my ability. My job is a job not a career and I prefer it that way.
10 What is your favorite swear word? The F bomb!

Kytaira said...

Forgot to add that I'm a follower.

Nicole said...

1. What is your idea of earthly happiness? My family, friends, good food and nice weather.
2. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Being without love.
3. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? Sookie Stackhouse
4. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? My mom
5. What sound do you love? A baby's giggle.
6. What sound do you hate? Someone chewing food or gum loudly
7. The quality you admire most in a man? Compassion
8. The quality you admire most in a woman? Same.
9. If not a SAHM, I would be still be in the Navy.
10. What is your favorite swear word? Holy S#*T

Nicole said...

I follow you.

Dawn M. said...

I love the Kitty books. Still haven't read the last two yet. Would love to own the whole set, though. :0)

1. What is your idea of earthly happiness? Being surrounded by people you love.
2. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Watching someone I love hurt and not being able to do anything to make it better.
3. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? Mecedes Thompson (Patricia Briggs series)
4. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? My mom.
5. What sound do you love? Laughter.
6. What sound do you hate? Grit. On the counter, on the floor...I hate the sound it makes when something rubs it together.
7. The quality you admire most in a man? Sense of humor
8. The quality you admire most in a woman? Same.
9. If not a library aide, you would be...working in a bookstore.
10. What is your favorite swear word? Crap.

librarygrinch at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Thanks Drey for the giveaway.
1-What is your idea of earthly happiness? World peace.
2-What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Seeing an unloved child or adult
3-Who is/are your favorite heroine(s)in fiction?Sookie Stackhouse
4-Who is your favorite heroine in real life? My mom
5-What sound do you love? My cat purring
6-What sound do you hate? My man yelling
7-The quality you admire most in a man? Honesty and a sense of humor
8-The quality you admire most in a woman? See #7
9-If not a msc, you would be.. a nurse
10-What is your favorite swear word? WTF

I'm also a follower.


CherylS22 said...

1. What is your idea of earthly happiness? A huge family reunion
2. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? The loss of a loved one
3. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? Scarlett O'Hara in "Gone With The Wind"
4. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? Women like Marie Curie, Rosa Parks
5. What sound do you love? The birds tweeting early in the morning during the spring & summer
6. What sound do you hate? Fingernails on a chalk board
7. The quality you admire most in a man? Compassion
8. The quality you admire most in a woman? The same.
9. If not a pharmacist, I would be a scientist studying molecular biology
10. What is your favorite swear word? The F bomb

Thanks! (This was fun!!!!)

Anonymous said...

1) What is your idea of earthly happiness? A warm bed and all the time in the world
2)What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Helplessness
3)Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? Astrid Magnussen
4)Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? Mamaw <3 And Mom, women who got shit done and raised a family
5)What sound do you love? Rain, I'm so stereotypical in that sense
6)What sound do you hate? High pitches, bad music
7)The quality you admire most in a man? Wit
8)The quality you admire most in a woman? Indenpedenc and a little Fuck You Ness
9)If not a writer, you would be a stunt woman
10)What is your favorite swear word? Fuck also unoriginal

kalea_kane said...

1. What is your idea of earthly happiness? Spending time with the ones I love hiking or taking a nice road trip.
2. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Apathy
3. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? Scarlet O' Hara
4. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? Women like Mother Theresa who give all they have including themselves to those less fortunate. They ACT in love always.
5. What sound do you love? I love and thrive on the sound of infant laughter.
6. What sound do you hate? Fingernails on a chalkboard.
7. The quality you admire most in a man? Strength of character. You know the kind of person who does what is right even when no one is watching or cares.
8. The quality you admire most in a woman? Loyalty.
9. If not working in radio, you would be a family counselor.
10. What is your favorite swear word? F***er I don't use it as often as I use to though. :)

kalea_kane said...

I'm a follower too! ;)

katayoun said...

What is your idea of earthly happiness? spring morning, somewhere in countryside, a comfy chair outside under the trees, a great book

Anonymous said...


1. What is your idea of earthly happiness? Spending time with my family.
2. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Losing a child.
3. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? Stephanie Plum and Pipi Longstocking
4. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? My Mum.
5. What sound do you love? My daughter's laugh.
6. What sound do you hate? Cell phone ring.
7. The quality you admire most in a man? Strength of heart.
8. The quality you admire most in a woman? Loyalty.
9. If not working in Information Security, you would be a Veterinarian.
10. What is your favorite swear word? Bloody hell.


Anonymous said...

Earthly happiness for me is spending time, any time with my children, who are the world to me.
The lowest depth of misery happens if and when I lose a loved one or if something bad happens to one of them.
My favorite heroine is Claire Fraser from Outlander. What a fine character she is.
In real life no one could come close or compare to my grandmother. She was a good example for me and everyone. I considered her my personal hero.
I love the sounds of the outdoors; the birds, the wind, the chipmunks, dogs, children playing. I love them all.
The sound I hate is the sound of an ambulance or fire truck for is means someone somewhere is suffering. It tears a bit of my heart.
The most admirable quality in a man is always and forever honesty. Nothing can compare with that ever.
In a woman the quality most admired by me is contentment. Nothing is better than being content with all and being with another who is content.
I would be what I am, a mother to my children, a caring individual, trying to do my best at everything I do.
My favorite swear...well that did give me a chuckle. If anyone's around O.M.G. or crap if I'm by myself.
Marion G

nfmgirl said...

1. What is your idea of earthly happiness? Nowhere that I have to be, and nothing that I have to do. It's all about ME!
2. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Being discontent, and not being able to do anything about it.
3. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? Uhhh, I'll go with Beatrice in Much Ado About Nothing.
4. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? Jane Goodall
5. What sound do you love? A small child's giggle.
6. What sound do you hate? The sound of my whiny cat crying first thing in the morning.
7. The quality you admire most in a man? Gentleness and compassion
8. The quality you admire most in a woman? Strength combined with compassion
9. If not a writer, you would be: I'm not a writer, but if I wasn't doing what I'm doing I'd be a wildlife biologist.
10. What is your favorite swear word? God Bless It!

kalea_kane said...

Hey girl, I posted your giveaway!

I tweeted too:

Thanks again!

drey said...

ha ha J.R.! (just picturing you having conversations with yourself...)

drey said...

Shooting Stars Mag ~ CHOCOLATE! Yummm...

Debbie ~ fruit? I'm going to have to steal that one!

Susan ~ I don't think you'll have to worry about an empty inbox! =D

Kat ~ of course it counts! =P

Linda ~ I'm sorry to hear that (#2). =(

Mishel ~ lol! I don't think Randomizer can reward you for being nice to me! But hey, who knows? =P

tiffany ~ I hate getting fillings. They could knock me out & I'd still get chills at the sound of the drill...

Vanessa ~ frig? I might have to borrow that one, too! =)

Terri ~ are you my long-lost twin? mmmmm to the massage. lol at laundry, and uh huh to mad cooking skills.

MJ ~ ooh, way to bring back memories of my school days!

pissenlit ~ I have these HUGE windchimes (like, almost 6' from top to bottom) & I LOVE the sound of 'em.

Becca ~ love your blog name! =D

Lexie ~ I'd be a world traveler too. IF I could afford it. *sigh*

Indigo ~ Why do I want to hug you so much? ((hugs))

Lorin ~ wish my hubby reads!

Kytaira ~ aye aye! to #4

Dawn ~ I love Mercy!

k, I need to take a break. whew! thanks for playing along!

Unknown said...

What is your idea of earthly happiness? People I love around me and a huge container of Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia!

What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Having to watch someone die.

Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? Darlene and Jack - A Matter Among Four - Destiny Blaine

Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? My mother, she is smart and sassy and so incredibly strong

What sound do you love? A baby's giggle

What sound do you hate? Fingernails on a chalkboard

The quality you admire most in a man? Humor

The quality you admire most in a woman? Loyalty

What is your favorite swear word? Whoooohoooo!

Unknown said...

I subscribe through email

Sue W. said...

1. What is your idea of earthly happiness? Sitting watching the lake and listening to the birds singing and talking
2. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Losing my parents and my brother.
3. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? Stephanie Plum (Crazy but true)
4. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? My friend Helen Heinlein who helped me recently when I became really ill in a foreign country.
5. What sound do you love? The purple martins flying around and chattering to each other.
6. What sound do you hate? A shotgun being fired probably killing a deer.
7. The quality you admire most in a man? A ready smile, a kind word.
8. The quality you admire most in a woman? Strength of character
9. If not a writer, you would be: I'm not a writer, in the military in a uniform
10. What is your favorite swear word? Dang!!

LuAnn said...

1. What is your idea of earthly happiness? Time alone with my husband, with no distractions -- kids, phone, work, etc.
2. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? When my sister died.
3. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? Scarlet O'Hara.
4. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? Anne Frank, Helen Keller, Laura Engles Wilder, the list goes on and on.
5. What sound do you love? Birds singing in the morning.
6. What sound do you hate? Toys banging against the wall.
7. The quality you admire most in a man? Honesty.
8. The quality you admire most in a woman? Compassion.
9. If not a writer, you would be a counselor.
10. What is your favorite swear word? Futter!

Jeanne Ryan said...

1. What is your idea of earthly happiness? Sleeping in lately, waking to the gentle sound of rain, cuddling up in my snuggie and watching a movie that I've been looking forward to that doesn't suck.

2. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? believing you are beyond help

3. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? right now it's Riley Jensen, but that's because I just read Deadly Desire. Next week it will probably be Kate Daniels.

4. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? Annie Oakley. I learned about her in elementary school and she was the first strong woman I heard about.

5. What sound do you love? rain, bubbling brook, shower, anything water related.

6. What sound do you hate? Moooooom, I can't sleep

7. The quality you admire most in a man? I have to go with Carrie. Passion.

8. The quality you admire most in a woman? Again, I'm going with Carrie on this one

9. If not a writer, you would be a talking to myself a lot.

10. What is your favorite swear word? gorram

I can never follow too many book blogs. You're on my list.

I love passing on contests. It creates good karma.

Icedream said...

1.What is your idea of earthly happiness? Spending time with friends and family.
2.What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Losing a child.
3.Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? Anne Shirley
4.Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? "Mother" Jones, Rosa Parks, Jane Addams-women who took a stand to make a difference.
5.What sound do you love? a baby's laugh
6.What sound do you hate? a baby's cry
7.The quality you admire most in a man? A sense of humor and honesty.
8.The quality you admire most in a woman? same answer as in a man.
9.If not a social worker I would be a teacher.
10.What is your favorite swear word? I'm in a lot of company it's the F word.:D

I am also a follower of your blog.

Fingers crossed, my email is waitmantwillie at hotmail dot com

Bingo said...

Here goes with my 10 answers:

1. What is your idea of earthly happiness? Being healthy with my family and a good book.
2. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Watching someone you love suffer from a painful, fatal disease.
3. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? Scarlett O'Hara and Francie Nolan (A Tree Grows in Brooklyn)
4. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? My mother and Rosa Parks
5. What sound do you love? My son's laughter
6. What sound do you hate? My son crying
7. The quality you admire most in a man? Patience
8. The quality you admire most in a woman? Honesty
9. If not a teacher, you would be a successful writer!
10. What is your favorite swear word? Bulls%#*

I follow your blog

I blogged about your giveaways on my blog

Thanks for a fun giveaway!

Anonymous said...

1. What is your idea of earthly happiness? Spending all my time with my family.
2. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Losing a child.
3. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? Mimi in Desperate Pastors Wives
4. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? My grandma
5. What sound do you love? A new born babies cry
6. What sound do you hate? A child tattling
7. The quality you admire most in a man? A good sense of humor and a shaved head
8. The quality you admire most in a woman? Honesty
9. If not a nurse, You would be a librarian
10.What is your favorite swear word? Shucky Darn

and ofcourse I am a follower!
livingmyhappilyeverafter at yahoo

Unknown said...

Thanks for the reminder. I thought I had entered, but obviously didn't. I must have Spring Break Brain along with my kids.

I'll take the short and sweet route and go with my idea of earthly happiness: Those rather rare times when my family is doing something that we ALL love. With two kids and a husband who has tastes that are my polar opposite, that can be tricky!

jgbeads AT gmail DOT com

Unknown said...

Of course, I'm a follower :)

jgbeads AT gmail DOT com

Jenn said...

1. What is your idea of earthly happiness? just hanging out with my friends and family.

2. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Losing somebody you love.

3. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction?umm thats a hard one...ill say all the cullens in twilight!I love them all.

4. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life?My mom

5. What sound do you love? music

6.What sound do you hate? crying

7. The quality you admire most in a man? having a sense of humour and just generally being a good person.

8. The quality you admire most in a woman? Honesty

9.If not a student, you would be a writer.

10.What is your favorite swear word?umm..the f word

im already a follower!
thanks for the contest!

Lindsey said...

1. What is your idea of earthly happiness? Being with my wonderful hubby and our little girl, all of us being safe and healthy.
2. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? I feel that way when I'm without my family, but I can't imagine how it would feel to lose one of them.
3. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? Hermione Granger, lol. That's just one fun character I can think of.
4. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? Beth Moore, Eleanor Roosevelt.
5. What sound do you love? Hearing my daughter laugh.
6. What sound do you hate? Hearing her scream. *shudder*
7. The quality you admire most in a man? Faithfulness, integrity.
8. The quality you admire most in a woman? The same.
9. If not a writer, you would be... a reader!
10. What is your favorite swear word? Oh my stars for the love of 'Liza!

I'm also a follower. :-)

Thanks for this awesome giveaway!

ladyufshalott at

Unknown said...

Hi Drey!

I almost freaking missed this!

1. What is your idea of earthly happiness? My family and friends, and of course, a good book.
2. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Not being able to help my kids.
3. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? Rachel Morgan
4. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? My Grams
5. What sound do you love? Laughter
6. What sound do you hate? Crying
7. The quality you admire most in a man? Honesty
8. The quality you admire most in a woman? Same
9. If not a writer, you would be... a reader!
10. What is your favorite swear word? Frak

Thanks Drey for a really cool giveaway!!

I'm a follower!

I'll post on my blog sidebar with a link back!!


Dottie :)

Violet Vixen said...

I'd love to read these books. I'm a brand new follower (by RSS).

1. What is your idea of earthly happiness? Reading on the beach, then dinner with friends.
2. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? To be alone, outside, somewhere below freezing.
3. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? Viola from 12th Night.
4. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? All the teachers out there
5. What sound do you love? Waves on the rocks.
6. What sound do you hate? Balloons popping.
7. The quality you admire most in a man? Listening and respecting others
8. The quality you admire most in a woman? Standing up for herself
9. If not a writer, you would be a teacher or librarian
10. What is your favorite swear word? F*#%

kathemc(at)gmail(dot)com said...

10. The F word

kathemc(at)gmail(dot)com said...

9. a makeup artist

kathemc(at)gmail(dot)com said...

7 & 8: A sense of humor, especially about themselves

kathemc(at)gmail(dot)com said...

6) Vacuum cleaners, unless I'm the one running it. Oh, and those beep-beep-beepy alarm clocks

kathemc(at)gmail(dot)com said...

5) Cats purring

kathemc(at)gmail(dot)com said...

2) Inertia

kathemc(at)gmail(dot)com said...

1) A purring kitty

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