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drey's Giveaway Policy

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w00t! 100! I hit 100!

March 4, 2009

So, I get home today, after a long day (Wednesdays are always long), had dinner, picked up my laptop, and what do I see on my Blogger Dashboard???


Do you see it too? I wasn't hallucinating, right? 100!! Anyway, I'd posted about doing something special for all y'all followers when I hit 100, so here it is. I have the following up for grabs (I tried to take a picture, but I'm apparently blurry today):

Gauntlet by Richard Aaron (HC)
The Pillars of the Earth by Anne Bishop
Dragon Bones by Patricia Briggs
Dragon Blood by Patricia Briggs
Rogue by Cheryl Brooks (ARC)
Furies of Calderon by Jim Butcher *
Academ's Fury by Jim Butcher *
Cursor's Fury by Jim Butcher *
The Girl She Used to Be by David Cristofano (ARC)
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon
The Italian Lover by Robert Hellenga
No Experts Needed by Louise Lewis
The Scent of Shadows by Vicki Pettersson
The Taste of Night by Vicki Pettersson
The Touch of Twilight by Vicki Pettersson
The Opposite of Fate by Amy Tan (HC)
Hunter's Oath by Michelle Sagara West *
Hunter's Death by Michelle Sagara West *
Houston, We have a Problema by Gwendolyn Zepeda

* these have bend marks on the spine

I'm going to do this ala Katrina at Stone SouP. Leave a comment and tell me which book you're interested in, by noon on Sunday, March 8th. I'll draw three entries and ship three books out. Sound good? Then comment away! I will ship ONE internationally, but only if you pick a paperback! (which basically means the first international pick gets it)

Note: This giveaway is for existing followers! Yes, I have a list. Because I'm geeky like that. But follow anyway, you'll be in the next one, whenever that happens!

And no, I didn't forget about my commenters! As of today, the top commenters out of the last 500 comments (that's the only widget I could find that would tell me this stuff!) are Valorie and MJ. You guys get first pick, i.e. what you want is what you get. If you pick the same book, then you'll have to rock-paper-scissors(-lizard-Spock?) it. =)

Ready? Set... GO!!


The Book Resort said...

Congratulations, Drey. Whoo~Hooo!!!

Rebecca Anne said...

I told you it wouldn't take long to get you to 100~~
Congrats. I can say I knew you before you were a big roller!

Anonymous said...

Hi Drey I would like a chance to win Vicky Pettersson Scent of Shadows. The main character sounds like she is a strong person and yet doesn't have everything figured out. One of the other characters in the book is made up of half shadow and light. Sounds like an interesting read to me.
Way to go Drey on 100 followers of you blog. I had a good laugh when you said that you had a list of followers and that you were geeky that way. I do enjoy your sense of humor. I guess it does pay to read the fine print. LOL!!! I am a follower of your blog. Thanks Drey, best wishes

gautami tripathy said...

Hey, congrats !

Thanks for the giveaway too!

I pick The Italian Lover by Robert Hellenga. Wanting read it for so long!

And I live in India! Is that ok?


Erika Powell said...

YAY! on your 100 followers!
count me in for The Girl She Used to Be by David Cristofano

Astaryth said...

Congrats on the milestone!! AND a give away too?? Very Cool

If I'm lucky enough to be chosen then I choose The Scent of Shadows by Vicki Pettersson

Anonymous said...

Wow! Congratulations, you have a great blog so I'm not surprised. I'd be interested in The Scent of Shadows. Thanks! dasuzuki at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Hey congrats Drey! I know that must make you feel pretty good - keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

Yay! Congrats on reaching over 100! And I'd love to be entered for- The Girl She Used to Be by David Cristofano. Thanks for having a giveaway :)

Bingo said...

You must be so excited..and I am for you! I hit 50 this week so can't even imagine what 100 must be like..congrats!

The Opposite of Fate by Amy Tan (HC)would be one I would love to read and don't have as I like Amy Tan so much.

Enjoy your hard work and I'm betting on 200 before you know it!

Jo said...


I'd be interested in Furies of Calderon by Jim Butcher (if I'm picked).


Where beauty meets brains said...

i dont know if i count, i started following a couple days ago.
congratz on reaching 100, i just started blogging and only have 2 lol, so i can assume how long it must take and how amazing it must feel!!!!!

i would be interested in the italian lover

Anonymous said...

I'd like The Scent of Shadows by Vicki Pettersson.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I don't have a google account, so I can't follow you (I don't think), but I am subscribed. I'm a big fan of your blog. I'm not surprised at all that you've reached 100 followers. That's a huge milestone to reach. Cheers! :-)

Mishel (P.S. I Love Books) said...

Congrats my dear! Very exciting (=

I'd love a chance to win Furies of Calderon by Jim Butcher.

*crosses fingers*

mishtakes AT gmail DOT com

LibraryGirl said...

Congrats on 100 followers! I have 8 so I have a long way to go yet.

What a wonderful idea to have a giveaway when reaching that milestone.

I'd love to have The Opposite of Fate by Amy Tan if I get chosen.

Sage Ravenwood said...

Whoot! Congratulations dear friend! I'm so delighted Rebecca pointed me in your direction. As for book any of the Vicki Pettersson books will do. I'm easy, I noticed a few people wanted
Scent of the Shadows. (Hugs)Indigo

Darlene said...

Hey Drey, I don't want to enter. I just wanted to say congrats. It's fun seeing your followers list grow.

drey said...

Awww, you guys! You're great! =)

FYI for everyone else who picked The Scent of Shadows, that's Valorie's. Feel free to pick something else...

Anonymous said...

Hi Drey if I have a chance to win I would like vicki Pettersson taste of the night. Thanks much. Have a wonderful day!!

Unknown said...

Congrats! That's quite a milestone. Keep up the good work. My pick for a book is The Girl She Used to Be by David Cristofano.

Melissa said...

Congrats on 100 Followers and I love The Big Bang Theory!

I'd pick The Italian Lover by Robert Hellenga.

Anita Yancey said...

Congratulations Drey!! I'm interested in No Experts Needed by Louise Lewis.


Michelle Kuo said...

Congratulations on getting 100 followers! :D It's not surprising though, I love your blog!

From that list I definitely want to read The Girl She Used to Be by David Cristofano. It sounds so incredibly good!

Donna said...

Congrats! Love reading your blog. Not entering the contest, just wanted to give you a high five. :)

windycindy said...

"Way to Go!" I wish you many more happy and healthy posts. If I am fortunate enough to be a winner in your delightful drawing, I would enjoy
Dragon Bones. Many thanks to you.....Cindi

sharon54220 said...


I'd be interested in Houston, We Have a Problema.

Teddy Rose said...

Welcome to the 100 Followers club! Awesome, isn't it. No need to enter me. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Hi Drey! Congrats on the 100 followers. I dont have a google account so I cant follow you. I am a subscriber though. So keep the post coming, I enjoy reading them. If I have a chance, I would love to read The Taste of Night by Vicki Pettersson. Thanks and Congrats!


Toni said...

I wanted to say CONGRATS To you! Your blog is great!

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