
Ashes of a Black Frost (11/1) | The Shattered Vine (11/3)
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drey's Giveaway Policy

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Giveaways ending soon...

March 21, 2009
Hey everyone, I'm pimping my own giveaways (yeah, the nerve!)... If you haven't already, make sure to enter the following giveaways that are ending soon... =)

Kitty Takes a Holiday
by Carrie Vaughn, ends 10 p.m. Sunday, March 22.

Sheldon Rusch has a 3-pack of his books, plus extras, ends 10 p.m. Friday, March 27. He's also answering reader questions, and I think he's doing a great job at it, too!

Charles Grodin's memoir, ends 10 p.m. Sunday, March 29.

Kitty and the Silver Bullet by Carrie Vaughn, ends 10 p.m. Sunday, March 29.

10 more days to enter the Women's History Month 8-pack giveaway, and the Spring Cleaning 5-pack giveaway.

LOTS of books to be had, so what're you waiting for? =)


Bingo said...

I think you are smart to remind people of your giveaways, Drey! I forget all the time what I enter...but then again, I'm an old bat! Thanks for reminding me!

ANovelMenagerie said...

Drey... I've been a reader for a while... but, don't comment as often as I should. But, I did give you an award today at A Novel Menagerie.


Dixie said...

Hey Drey,I'll pimp for you anytime!:-D

drey said...

Bingo ~ I'm forgetful, too! lol!

Sheri ~ THANK YOU!! I really really appreciate it.

Dixie ~ See, I KNEW I like you! =P Thanks for pimping my giveaways...

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