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March 12, 2009
I so heart you guys, you know that? I'm so sorry I'm such a slacker that I've only NOW gotten to these awards that you've seen fit to send this way. I can only hope to keep earning this approval from you!

Marta thinks my blog is FABULOUS! Of course it's fabulous! It's got all y'all participating & commenting! =) Seriously though, I really appreciate the thought, and am so very honored that Marta would think so. Thank you.

  1. List five things you are obsessed with.

  2. Hmm...
    • My family - the little man, who's about to turn 6 (already??? Where did the time go?), and the Mr., who's getting one more year closer to 40! They are my joy.
    • Reading, naturally.
    • Games. Or, more specifically, winning at games. I'm very, um, competitive. But only in non-physical, no-contact, "sports". Tackle football, no. Taking over the world, oh yeah! =D
    • Blog-remodeling. I'm sure you've been here when things are all over the place because I've decided, yet again, to re-decorate. =) I should really channel that energy into better content, lol!
    • Caribou Coffee's chai. Figures I'd like the tea in a coffee shop!

  3. Nominate five blogs you think are fabulous.

  4. I only get 5?? How can that be? There are so many fabulous blogs out there... If you're on my blog roll, you're totally fab. Which reminds me, there are some on my Google Reader that I still haven't followed yet. Ugh!


bermudaonion said...

Congratulations on your award!

Kaye said...

Ha wait until you kids are 40 and then you will really wonder where the time went. COngrats, Drey. Your blog is most certainly fabulous!

Lenore Appelhans said...


Rebecca Anne said...

Your blog is fabulous and it's a great award to bestow your direction~
I hope you have a beautiful weekend.

KR said...

40??? Try 52~~ LOL

Bingo said...

Congrats, Drey...I always knew you were just fab-u-lous, dahling....and as for your little one! wait until he is 32 like mine will be this month!...was tough having him when I was 10 :D love your blog I think mostly because it is homey and welcoming!

Angela said...

Congratulations on the blog award.

SueB said...

Um, yeah - congrats on teh award, I hope you didn't step on someone to get it - LOL - but, um, yeah - you scare me to play board games with, so I don't. :P

drey said...

Ha ha, Sue! Soooo funny... =P

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