
Ashes of a Black Frost (11/1) | The Shattered Vine (11/3)
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drey's Giveaway Policy

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Shout-out for the gals! Women's History Month Giveaway...

March 9, 2009
Here's yet ANOTHER giveaway, courtesy of the folks at Hachette Book Group. FIVE winners will each win the following (yup, all of 'em!):

This giveaway will run till 10:00pm on March 31st, and is open to US & Canada residents only. Sorry, no P.O. Boxes - HBG rules.

To enter, comment with a woman who's had an influence - on you, your life, your environment... For me, that would definitely be my mom. Good or bad, I am definitely a product of my mom's upbringing. We also share the same facial features, and I inherited her stubbornness. =P Followers get an extra entry. Comment & let me know. Two extra entries for sharing this with everyone! =P Comment with the link to your actual post.

And don't forget to come back & find out if you've won. Winners will have 3 days to get me their mailing info, after which I'll draw a replacement. If I have an email address, I can follow up if I don't hear from you, but if not...

And as usual, check out the fabulous West of Mars -- Win a Book for more giveaways... & off you go! =)


sharon54220 said...

I would have to say my Mom & my grandmother. My Mom was not only my mother but she was also my bestfriend. A lot of people thought she was my sister. I was adopted and she was actually my adoptive mother, but her & my Dad had me since I was 3 wks old and I did look a lot like her. My grandmother was also another best friend. We did alot together also. I miss them both very much.

Please enter me.


sharon54220 said...

I almost forgot - I'm a subsriber.

elizabeth said...

One woman who has had a major influence on my life is my best friend Emma. She is a single mom who has raised two incredible daughters by herself. She constantly inspires me with her strength, her integrity and her sense of humor. Whenever I'm feeling overwhelmed, I just look at her and she gives me the strength to go on.

Debs Desk said...

One woman who has inspired me is my daughter. She has grown into such a strong and independent young woman. She went through alot in her teenage years and has come out on the other side a great person.
Please include me in your giveaway.

Unknown said...

I'd have to say my best friend and her mom. I didn't grow up with a mother (or any female role models) and when I met my best friend when I was a teenager, she helped me get through so much! And my bf and her mom were kind enough to teach me about makeup, dating, and cooking and I will be forever grateful for them taking me under there wing! Thanks for entering me.

Bcteagirl said...

I am going to have to agree with you, I think my mother has been the biggest influence in my life. Big or small, no problem is too much for mom :P

Andrea said...

I know its been said, but its definitely my mom. She has always been open to me and there for me when I need advice or a shoulder to cry on!

Andrea said...

I blogged about the contest here:

Bingo said...

My mom was the biggest inspiration and role model. In a time when women didn't go to college or work, she did. As a married woman and mother, she was the strength in our family, the quiet one who let my dad think he ran things. But most inspiring was her valiant, quiet fight with cancer for almost two years when nobody around her knew the pain and hurt she was in...not until I found her journals after she passed away! and on that note, yes, I am also a follower. Thanks for the chance to brag on my mother and for the giveaway.

Nicole said...

Wow! What a great giveaway! My mom was my biggest role model. Although we did not get along at all when I was a teenager, I really appreciate her now. She is so wise and so nurturing to her grandkids.

Nicole said...

I recently started following your blog and am really enjoying reading your posts.

Erika Powell said...

my mom was an influence on me in that do the opposite of what i do kinda way but my grandmother was a really great positive influence

sports dot erikalynn at gmail dot com

Erika Powell said...

i follow in google reader

Erika Powell said...

i blogged about it

Annie1 said...

My grandmother on my father's side influenced me quite a bit; not always in good ways lol

She taught me how to blow smoke rings, she taught me how to cook bacon and she taught me how to swear!!

She was one eccentric (sp) artist! I loved her a lot!


Annie1 said...

I follow your blog!


Annie1 said...

Tweeted and shared this with the world!

greeeneyedwhwom (twitter name) Books

(wasn't much room to explain your giveaway though)


Meg89 said...

I had a sunday school teacher who taught me (sacrilegiously) that I didn't have to pretend to be anyone I wasn't. I didn't have to be religious or go to church if I didn't want to. She made it okay for me to be myself, and said the rest would follow on behind. I'm forever grateful to her for that.

Thanks for the giveaway!
meh471 (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Meg89 said...

I also follow you!

meh471 (AT) gmail (DOT) com

crossing my fingers...

Unknown said...

Hi Drey, of course I want to enter such a fantastic giveaway. I'd have to say my Grams influenced me along with my mom. Our birthdays are just two days apart, and we're so much alike, maybe it's an astrological thing.


I'm already a follower, and I'll put this up on my blog! Happy Giveaway!

Desert Rose said...

Hi there Drey :)

I was passing by to tell you that I gave you an award :)

Please check it out here ..

KR said...

Definitely my Mom. She just passed away on February 15th. I miss her so very much.

Dixie said...

My mother and my big sister Jan.

Dixie said...

I am a follower!

Dixie said...

I tweeted to the world!

twittername: southrngrl

LibraryGirl said...

My grandmother taught me to love tea and the value of hard work. Somehow she could do anything. I so wish my daughter had been able to meet her.

I follow as well.

drey said...

Awww, you guys. I'm getting emotional reading your responses! (((HUGS))) to Bingo & MJ! Annie, your grandma sounds like a trip!

I know I definitely need to shout-out about the women in my life more often than I do. We all rely on each other so much, whether for little or big things, that we take it for granted, if you know what I mean... Not because they're not important, but because they're THERE.

So. For all the gals in my life. I love you all. Thank you for being there, thank you for letting me be a part of your life experiences. Thank you, especially, for letting me be me. Crabby parts and all. =P

Anonymous said...

My grandmother was very special to me. She died when I was 11. After that I would have to say my sister, who is always there for me, in good and bad.

Marie said...

The woman who had the greatest influence on my would have to be my grandmother, who raised me from the age of 3. She was a tough lady who didn't put up with foolishness but taught me so much. I miss her so much!

Unknown said...

My mom. She's an amazing woman who did anything in her power to teach me the things I need to know about life. She made sure I had a wonderful childhood and always put the needs of my sister and myself first. She is the most caring, loving, unselfish person I know.

Unknown said...

Posted this contest on my blog here:

Melanie said...

All of the women in my family have positively shaped my life - my mother, my grandmother, and my aunts. All are wonderful women with many strengths.

Anonymous said...

Awesome giveaway. I would have to say my mother has had a definite influence on me, good and bad. I posted this giveaway on my sidebar, too.

Melissa said...

I would have to say mom too! She and I have always been great friends and I would be lost without her.

Melissa said...

I follow too. :)

Bridget said...

Another great giveaway. I've posted this one too at Win a Book. Don't enter me though.

Sage Ravenwood said...

My mother wasn't much of a mother, so when Paul's Mom came into my life I didn't know what to expect. This woman took me under her wing and accepted me for who I was. She was genuinely proud of me and bragged on Pickles (my working dog) as if she was one of her grandchildren.

I thought to myself just write this and I'd be's still a little rough to get the words out. Paul's mom was only in my life for 5 years before she died. I remember visiting her in the hospital that last night and gently caressing the side of her face. I told her I loved her, she looked right at me and said I love you too. It was the first and last time she had actually said those words. I still miss her.

She taught me what a mother was all about, full of love and compassion. I can't think of a better woman to have had in my life.

Thanks for this opportunity! (Hugs)Indigo

Sage Ravenwood said...

I also follow you on Google Reader. Thanks! Indigo

ikkinlala said...

My mom has been a huge influence on me. We haven't always gotten along (but hey, don't all teenagers fight with their moms sometimes?) but she's a great mom and she's taught me so many things.

Anonymous said...

Hey lady! I am a follower via Google Subscribe

Anonymous said...

I mean Reader. Google Reader. *sigh* brain doesn't want to work today.

Anonymous said...

A woman who's had an influence on me is my sister. She's two years younger than I am, but around the time we hit college, we became best friends and have been since. When my first child was born, I had post partum depression pretty severely, and my sister flew out and spent six weeks with me, when no one else seemed to care. After that, we moved states to live near her, and I can't imagine life without her.

Anonymous said...

AND....I've added you to my sidebar!

Shelly B said...

What a great giveaway! I would have to say one woman that influenced me was my 2nd grade teacher Mrs. Lein. She is essentially, the reason I became a teacher. She made learning fun and cared about each of us as individuals. I wish many times that I could find her and thank her.

shelcows AT gmail DOT com

Shelly B said...

I'm a follower!

housemouse88 said...

Please enter me in the contest. My influences were my mother and grandma.

Anonymous said...

My grandmother was not the biggest influence but I wish she had been! She was courageous and always cheerful. She is my biggest-influence-wanna-have-been.

nbmars AT yahoo DOT com

The Brunette Librarian said...

:) LOVe this contest! Women rock!

I would have to say my mom has influenced me (who doesn't love their mom?? :) ) and as for a historical figure, I abso-freakin' love Laura Ingalls Wilder. Fun books, understood children, and lived through one of the toughest times in history.

Thanks for having the contest!! :)

Anita Yancey said...

My mom had the biggest influence on my life. She is a very strong and caring women, and I like to think she raised me to be the same way. I even look like my mom when she was my age.


SueB said...

The women in my family - my mom for always being there, her mom for surviving all that she did, and my dad's mom for just being loving and talking about things that made her uncomfortable, because I had questions.

Anita Yancey said...

I am a follower.


mindy said...

without a doubt my grandmother she was a strong women and took no b s from anyone stood up for her rights and was years ahead of her times. she was instrumental in many changes in this world and when she passed 20 years ago a piece of me passed with her

Unknown said...

Definitely my mom (and her mom as well).

scottsgal said...

I'd say my mom and grandmother. My mom died at 49 from cancer and my grandma lived to 96 and went white water rafting in Alaska at 90 - she was truly an inspiration to all who met her

thanks for the fantastic giveaway
msboatgal at aol dot com

Deborah said...

I believe my grandmother had a huge influence on me. She came to the US as a teen, alone, and worked hard to help provide for her eventual family. She taught me about unconditional love, faith and loyalty. I often think of her during difficult times and try to imitate her courage and strength. Love and miss you, Babcia! asthenight at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I get sick of blogs that don't like to go through. I don't like to have to retype them so many times.
I had a Sunday School Teacher when I was 8 years old. She was my first Sunday School Teacher. I spent a lot of time at her house. When I was 16 she was there when I got baptized at church - not my family. She took me places and was like a second Mom to me. I married and moved away at 29. But we still kept in touch by mail and phone. I always sent her a gift and called her on March 19 - the day after my birthday - her birthday and sent her flowers. I miss her as she was my second Mother for over 40 years.
jrs362 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Enter me to win

techyone said...

My mom has had a great influence in my life. She has always told me I can do anything and I've always believed her. Its gave me confidence in myself.

Unknown said...

Are you kidding me!!?? That's a great giveaway.
The woman that is having the biggest influence on my life and a person I am becoming is someone I have met at church and I never thought we would become as close as we did. She is an older person, she has had a lot of trials and hardships in her life. She has no driver's license, so I help her out a lot but in turn as no one else before her, she really understands me and truly listens to what I want to say.

Gwendolyn B. said...

Years and years ago, I was telling a coworker what I wanted to be when I grow up. She said something that brought me up short and immediately changed my way of thinking. She asked "So, what are you doing to make that happen?" I was stunned because I hadn't thought about "making it happen." I kind of figured everything would just happen on its own! (I was young.) I suddenly understood that I was responsible for my own life. I still think of Sue and what she said whenever I start ruminating about a new dream -- if I'm serious, I turn it into a goal and figure out how to make it happen.
This is a great giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win these books (and to share some empowering stories!)

geebee.reads AT gmail DOT com

Gwendolyn B. said...

. . . and, I'm a follower!

geebee.reads AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

My mom

Ginny said...

Well it would be my mom. She is one of the few women that influenced my life, next would be my grandma (my moms mom)

Unknown said...

For me it was my Grandma. She was a real lady. She loved kids, quilted and was a great cook. She also had a wicked sense of humor. I really miss her.


CherylS22 said...

I would have to say it is my mother - I look & sound exactly like her! She's taught me dedication to tradition & family and perseverance & courage in the face of devastating health issues (she's a 25 year breast cancer survivor!). There's so much more, but I'll stop here!

Thanks for the contest!
megalon22 at yahoo dot com

Kat Bryan said...

What a great group of books! I would love to win them.

One of the most influential women in my life would have to be my ex-boss. We hardly ever agreed on things at a personal level but she offered me a different viewpoint on life.

Anonymous said...

Definitely my Mom has had the biggest influence in my life...I see her when I look in the husband sees her while having a 'discussion' and I stand with my arms folded...:>
Mom is now 87 yrs. old and wants to live to be 105! Now that is a great attitude towards life. I hope she makes it!

Unknown said...

My grandmother was a real inspiration. She kept going despite severe arthritis. She crocheted even when her fingers could barely move. I was definitely a grandma's girl.

jgbeads AT gmail DOT com

Unknown said...

I am already a follower : )

jgbeads AT gmail DOT com

Pamela S said...

The person who had the most influence on me was definitely my mother. She was the sweetest most unselfish person I've ever know and I miss her terribly since she's died.

A Reader said...

My paternal grandmother was a huge influence in my life. Even today I still rmiss her every day and cherish the memories I have of her.
Thanks for the giveaway!

A Reader said...


Marie said...

I'd love to win these books. Please enter me. Thanks for hosting this great giveaway.

The woman who influenced my life the most has to be my mother. Even though she passed away ten years ago I still think of her every day and the things she taught me. She was the "glue" that held our family together.

I follow your blog via Blogger's follow function.


Sara said...

I'm sure this answer is popular...but my mom. She makes me strive to be a good mother, and person. I feel so lucky to have her in my life. I'll never be able to express how much she means to me.

Thanks for the contest, and I'm a follower ;)

Shelly B said...

Blogged about your contest, here.

Vera said...

I have to say my grandmother, she's a constant inspiration.

Thank you for this contest!

a real librarian said...

Thanks for the chance to win!! I'd have to say my mom, she's always been such a supportive and positive influence on me!! Thanks for the chance to win!!


Nicole C. said...

My mom has been the biggest influence on me. She raised me, my brother, and my sister by herself, while taking care of my grandmother, who was dying of cancer, and working a nightime job. I can only hope that I'm half the mom, daughter, and person she is!!


Unknown said...

My mother is the person that had the greatest influence in my live. She was very strong and made my sister and I the persons that we are today. She became a lawyer and decided to serve the people who could not afford a to pay. Although she was sick (heart problems since childhood) she managed to live a very full life. She died 6 years ago and I miss her every single day. I miss our daily calls. I am glad that my sister and I turned out just like her.


my granny is..good or bad- i miss her so much

Anonymous said...

Eight books?! Are you kidding me? Enter me in this one please. Thanks!

For me, my greatest female influences were my mom and my grandmother. They both raised me, so they are both huge influences on my life.


Becky said...

My grandmother was a huge influence on me. She was the sweetest, most non-judgmental person I have ever known and taught me to accept everyone just as they are. I miss her every day.


Becky said...

I am a follower.

Anonymous said...

Oprah has had an immense influence on my life - both good and bad.


darbyscloset said...

My Grandmother...she is a total extrovert and has never met a stranger.....
Love her to pices!
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com

Jena said...

My greatest influence would be my mom, too. Though she has some character traits I hope I didn't pick up, I love hearing people tell me that I'm so much like her (it's really too bad no one around here has had the pleasure of meeting her yet). She's artsy and fun and always has her hand in lots of community activities (something my immigration in-process limits here for me). I hope when I have kids they have as much fun growing up as I did.

Ali said...

My Grandmother on my Father's side - I learned a lot about relationships from her, and I wish she was still around to keep teaching me.

Anonymous said...

I think a teacher I had in high school. She encouraged me to do a lot I never would have done otherwise.

Anonymous said...

I also follow your blog

Katie Paterson said...

My mom is my biggest influence and everyone can tell too I am just like her for better or for worse!!

Anonymous said...

My grandmother taught me a lot about how to be a man.

intensev5 said...

My mom --- she is the strongest and most inspirational women I know. My mom was a single mom that brought us up and right now she is finishing chemo treatment for ovarian cancer and she is still so strong!!!!

Anonymous said...

Definitely my mom! I'm always striving to impress her.


Wildflowerhouse said...

My mother,who was my best friend. She was so a head of the times. So encouraging and always said to live your dreams, not just dream them. She was a very loving person

Terri said...

My mom's cousin was my role model. She was a nurse in the U.S. Navy in the late 60s until her death in the early 80s. She represented strength and independence and FREEDOM to me. At the time she died, she had earned the rank of commander which was quite an accomplishment, especially for a woman! As an adult, I now can see how hard a road she had to travel! If I can only be half the woman she was....

Anonymous said...

She died on November 20, 2008; I thought she would live forever. A POW in WWII at age 13, she lived in DP/refugee camps until coming to the US in 1951 with my brother (1), and me (3), in tow. Deserted by my father, she had more courage than any person I have ever known: my mother.

cyeates AT nycap DOT rr DOT com

Anonymous said...

My Mom has had the most influence on me. She married my Daddy when she was 19. He was divorced, a WWII ex-pow, and 8 years older than she was. Her Dad was totally against the marriage because Daddy was considered too "fast" for my Mom. She had me by the time she was 20. Daddy was going to school on the G.I. Bill and she worked. She always respected my Daddy and therefore we(my sisters and I) respected him, also. She lives alone now and is legally blind. She has some health problems, but she wants to be as independent as possible for as long as she can be. She has always loved to read, but because of her limited vision, she listens to her books now.

shannons said...

My mom (and my grandmothers).

Anonymous said...

My paternal grandmother was my life's greatest female influence. I loved her more than any other person.
I have seen old family photographs & we could be doubles. But more than looking like her, I want to be like her - humble, loving and kind. Kindness is a highly underrated quality.
I'm subscribed now ;-)

Anonymous said...

My daughter is an inspiration to me. She has handled being a single mom with a daughter, going to school with a full schedule, and working part time - all of these things at the same time and she got her degree and a good job.

Anonymous said...

My mom has the most influence on me and I've already reached the half century mark. She always made time for herself at the bewitching hour before supper by reading for an hour and having her own bag of munchies. While in nursing school, she was my lifeline and kept me centered, while I questioned if I had the same symptoms as illnesses studied. I did hold the phone at arm's length away when she was promoting being married and I lacked a boyfriend, so it didn't really apply. I could hear her even when she was not around. The foundation I received in my youth has been a building block from which to launch new adventures like Therapeutic Touch and Reiki (Alternative Medicine.) She encouraged me to follow my dreams of nursing and helping people and that's where I feel the most passion.

loves6cats said...

My mother has had a profound influence on my life. I consider her not only my mum but my best friend and one of my heros. I watched her fight breast cancer and win the battle 6 years ago and also the battle against Crohn's disease 2 years ago. I see the strength that she has and it makes me proud to call her my mum.

Anonymous said...

My best friend Kristin is my sister, my confidant and confessor, my shopping pal, my travel companion, my therapist and anger-management coach, she is also my strongest advocate and my judge, jury and sometimes executioner. LOL! Kristin has insipired me, angered me, cheered me on and also held me back or protected me... She is my best friend and I love her!!! I don't know what I would ever do without her in my life... Her impact has been intense, profound... I have no more words to say what she means to me.

Please enter me in the contest. Thank you!

Aliya D.

Anonymous said...

My mother has the biggest influence on my life. She taught me to respect others,be kindand truthful. She is my best friend as well.


Anonymous said...

I just recently lost my Mom @ age 80. I'm 52, & she was my best friend, my rock, & always had the right answer wheather I liked it or not...She brought us up not being predjudice, & to treat everyone as equals. She was so funny. Never met a stranger, & everyone that met her would say what a sweet lady. She'll be greatly missed...

Anonymous said...

It was my grandma. She taught me it is okay to be me.
I am a subscriber

Meljprincess said...

My mom is the most intelligent and creative person I know. She has instilled in me a love of many things and she took me to Europe in '84. We used to travel a lot. I dread her passing as I will be utterly lost without her. I'm tearing up. Off to call her!

Mel K.
Meljprincess AT aol DOT com

janeh said...

my grandmother......

Unknown said...

My mom is my hero. I hope I'm just like her.

Unknown said...

I'm following you.

JJ said...

There have been several women: My grandmother, a friend - Becky, and my step-mother. I learned about being strong from my grandmother, I learned to Love Jesus from Becky and I learned about forgiveness from my step-mother. :)

Anonymous said...

Without a doubt my Mom has had the greatest impact on my life. She was totally devoted to my brother and I who lost our father when I was 9. Every decision she made throughout her life was not made without thinking about us first. She passed away almost a year ago and I miss her more than I ever though imaginable. If I am 1/2 the woman she was then I am doing OK.

Estela said...

It would definitely be my sis. Single parent at 17, college grad at 21, now a married teacher and mom of 2 boys!

Estela said...

I'm a follower!

Angela said...

My friends have the biggest influence on me. I feel like they're going through the same stuff so I listen to their advice.

barbmccrea said...

The woman who has influenced my life the most would definitely have to be my mom, she taught me so much, and then she was taken too soon, I'm sure she had alot more that she could teach me, and I miss her.
barbmccrea at

windycindy said...

What a great collection of women's literature!
My only sister is ten years older than me! When her daughters were very young, I was lucky to be their aunt and got to spend a lot of time with their family. My sister is my best friend and confidante. I also have a wonderful relationship with her two daughters. Carol, my sister has been their for the best and worst of times for me. It is great to be able to laugh and cry with her.
Many thanks, Cindi

windycindy said...

I am a follower of your site!
Again, many thanks.....Cindi

Lenore Appelhans said...

My mother, even though she died when I was young. She was a shining example of what a mother should be :)

Thanks for this great giveaway - I especially want to read Galway Bay! And my e-mail is in my profile.

Lenore Appelhans said...

I am a follower already!

Anonymous said...

My 8 year old daughter. She has dyslexia. Even though she has so much trouble reading, doing math and spelling, she trucks right on through it and never complains. One time she said to me, "Mom, I am the only one responsible for my failure, and that is something I wouldn't want to live with".

livingmyhappilyeverafter at yahoo

Anonymous said...

i'm a follower
livingmyhappilyeverafter at yahoo

Anonymous said...

I wish I could say my Mom was my inspiration, however I'm sad that it is not. My sister has always been my rock. There when no one else was. I really don't know how life would be without her love and support.

Thank you for the entry.

minishoes said...

My mom has always been there for me no matter what. I cook the same things she cooks but hers always turns out better. We both love to read and write letters. She raised all of us kids (6) by herself and brought us to church. We didn't have much,but always had a homecooked meal on the table.Raising 5 girls and 1 boy couldn't been easy,but i never heard her complain. She has inspired alot of people not just me. My mom is almost 88 yrs old. (May 5) is her birthday. She had me when she was 45. Thanks

minishoes said...

I follow

remarker/fcffollower said...

A woman who's been a huge POSITIVE influence on my life and my daughter's life through me has been an abuse counselor I was lucky enough to meet 6 years ago. She showed me a whole new way of living that gave value to us and who we are. She had the patience needed to help me find the strength to remove many negative influences,

valerie2350 said...

my big sister :)

valerie2350 said...


valerie2350 said...


Unknown said...

My mom!

housemouse88 said...

I'm a follower. house_mouse88 at yahoo dot com

Erin Lowmaster said...

It would be my mother because she taught me so much. She was a wonderful example to all those around her.

Anonymous said...

Several women have influenced my life, including my mom, both grandmas, my sisters and a professor in college. All told me, in their own way, how important it was to try my best at whatever I was doing and good things would follow.


ossmcalc said...

I am also a follower!

ossmcalc said...

My mom was the greatest influence in my life as well as my best friend. This really hurts as my own daughter and I never had this type of relationship. She won't even return my phone calls much less let me see my grandson. My mother would have never put up with this. Mom was truly a saint that everyone who came in contact with her recognized what a wonderful woman she was. She died from large cell lymphoma cancer in 2002.

Yes, I would really love to win this set of books.

Diana's Blog said...

One of the most influential women in my life would be my daughter, Julie. She influenced me when she was born with her beauty, she influenced me when she was a young child with her child like faith and unconditional love. She influenced me in her teenage years with her passion and determination, and she influenced me as an adult by leaving an abusive relationship for the sake of her daughter.She influenced me as a single mom, supporting herself through college, majoring in the social sciences and gender studies. She has influenced me with her ability to communicate and separate the issues from the emotion. She has taught me what women of all ages, races, creeds and ethnic backgrounds went through yesterday, what they go through today, and what we should work for in the future. She taught me what we as women have endured . I would say she has taught me a lot.

Anonymous said...

I would have to say my Mother, she taught me what unconditional love is and she taught me about God I've witness God in her life so she has been my inspiration as to seeing the important things in life.

Anonymous said...

I notice a lot of people are saying their Mother or Grandmothers. I however was not very close to either. I was extremely close to one of my 8 siblings, my sister Donna. She is the most selfless, heartwarming, human being I know. When everyone else turns their backs to you, she, time after time, will be there. I have nothing but respect and adoration for my sister.

Thank you for the entry and allowing me to share.

Melinda said...

definitely my mom...she's a great woman :)

lingeorge said...

My Aunt Ginny influenced me a lot. I was raised in a fundamentalist family of the '50's. A woman's place was in the HOME serving all the males of her family, and my mom followed it and hated every moment of it. My aunt got her doctorate, when women just didn't do that type of thing. She showed me with her actions that a women can rise above. She lived her life true to herself. My uncle was a man who always her - and me - for what we actually are, not what we "should be". Thus, these were the qualities i looked for in a man -- and have been with him for 40 years.

spynaert said...

My mom is also my inspiration, she taught me how to act and be polite.

Bingo said...

Cameron the barmaid

Anonymous said...

Like many I have to say that my Grandmother is the woman that has had the biggest affect on my life. She outlived everyone - her parents, brother and sisters, husband and all of her friends. In the last years of her life her grief and lonliness nearly consumed her. Too young to fully appreciate her I let so many opportunities pass and now I wish I could ask her so many questions! She also questioned her own value which always baffled and saddened me. She showed my brothers and myself the only love we knew as children. Grandma was kind, a wonderful cook and seamstress. She grew everything she cooked, made her own clothes and quilts . . . Martha Stewart could have taken a lesson and I certainly wish I had! She was also a bit of a rebel. When she met my Grandfather they married in secret and didn't tell anyone for three months - just went about their days as though nothing had happened! How I would love to know the story behind that!

Gamma said...

I think one of my best influences is my friend, Carol. She is a month older than me (we'll be 59 thi syear), never married, lives with her mom. Her outlook on life always inspires me to be better, do better and to not sniip when i REALLY want to! She has seen me through divorce, horrid children, loved my kids and grandkids when I was too mad to and mys is my rock. Always.

Anonymous said...

Hi. There is no question for me that my grandmother had the greatest influence on me. She saved my life and I owe her everything. She was a strong and hardworking woman who loved her grandchildren. Her kind heart and generous spirit meant more to me than words can express and I sorely miss her every day.
Thanks for the opportunity.
Marion G

madangle said...

That would be my auntie

nfmgirl said...

Yep, this would most definitely be my mother. I tried recently to think of a "selfish" moment from my mother, I couldn't come up with a single thing. Mom ALWAYS put us kids first. She sacrificed over and over again for us. And, being a strong and opinionated woman, she definitely worked to instill certain things in us, and definitely influenced us in every way.

Tami Winbush said...

My daughter has had the biggest influence on me. She has made me want to be a better person. Not only for her, but for myself.

tami.winbush @

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