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17. Twelve Sharp by Janet Evanovich...

January 16, 2009
Title: Twelve Sharp
Author: Janet Evanovich
ISBN-10: 0-312-34948-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-312-34948-6
Hardcover: 310 pages
Publisher: St. Martin's Press, 2006

Ranger features quite a bit in this book. A woman claiming to be his wife shows up, taking shots at Stephanie. She ends up dead in her SUV. Steph also finds out that Ranger's daughter Julie has been kidnapped, and he's the prime suspect. And all of this occurs while he's out of town. Stephanie also has a new admirer, i.e. stalker, and yes, one other than the dead "wife".

Lula gets a job singing with Sally's new band. So does Grandma Mazur (yep!). With Ranger out of town, Connie tries to hire another bounty hunter to help clear the backlog. That in itself is quite the comic relief, what with the characters who show up to interview for the job. And Stephanie's good heart has a new filing clerk in the office.

Family: Grandma Mazur's channeling Mick Jagger. Need I say more?

Wheels: Stephanie's ride is a Mini Cooper that's shot up by Ranger's "wife."

Action: Ranger shows up at Stephanie's. Morelli shows up at Stephanie's. Absolutely no action while both boys are at Stephanie's.

Another adventure in the life of Stephanie Plum. This one's got plot, twists & turns, and belly-laughs. There's not as much of her sister Valerie, or Valerie's unraveling/depression/desperation/pregnancy/wedding planning... Just Stephanie, her job, the mystery, and her boys.


Anonymous said...

I think this was my least favorite of all the "by the numbers" books.

drey said...

This one threw me for a little loop. When did she go back to working for Vinnie, full-time?

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