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47. The Family Bones by Kimberly Raiser...

March 7, 2009
The Family Bones sounded like an interesting read - a horror/thriller/mystery surrounding a family who moves to the small town that the father came from. Where, apparently, there are lots of secrets surrounding his past.

A New Home, A Loving Family, A Dark Secret...
Will they stay? Will they survive? The Weavers have inherited family property in Astral, Pennsylvania, a town so small that Mrs. Weaver can find no mention of it on the Internet, save for a tiny spot on Google Earth. Hoping for a simpler, small-town existence for their young family, Steven and Tara eagerly head to Astral to see what they hope will be their dream house. As they explore their potential new home, the Weavers begin to discover secret passageways, secret rooms, and long buried family truths; some difficult truths are reveales and no longer kept in the far reaches of the closet. There are reasons for everything, and sometimes the explanations are so simple. But sometimes, simple can also be horrifying.

The family is a normal 4-person mom, dad, boy, and girl. The "uncles" that they find at the guest cottage are suitably creepy, as are the proprietors of the corner store. The story gets interesting as soon as they find the house, too, which had me confused at first. This was a sufficiently interesting read, even if there were some predictably predictable parts (heh). The unpredictable parts were a little "off" to me, and seemed particularly far-fetched. Some of you might enjoy the twist, though. For me, that made this so-so.

Title: The Family Bones
Author: Kimberly Raiser
ISBN-13: 978-0-615-24625-3
Paperback: 178 pages
Publisher: Delvling Press, 2008


Rebecca Anne said...

Ah oh, 'off parts' mean slighty cheating by the authors part and vocarious readers usually don't let such things fly~
I trust ya!

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