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52. Confessions of a Former Child: A Therapist's Memoir by Daniel J. Tomasulo...

March 15, 2009
I'm still pretty new at this reviewing thing. Every once in a while, I get an email asking if I'd like to review a book or two. Confessions of a Former Child was one such offer, and I eagerly accepted. And even though it took me a while to get to it (it's been a little crazy around here), I'm glad I finally did.

This was an enjoyable read, albeit with some serious parts (the author's self-therapy?). I loved his childhood memories, especially where he controls the traffic lights, and how moving out of the city would jeopardize all the motorists and pedestrians left behind. Equally entertaining was Enrico, and Dan's sure-fire belief that his dad was a CIA agent, who was working a lot to keep people safe. And I felt awful when Gary, and later, Steve, died of overdoses. Especially Steve.

I laughed out loud when he finds himself locked in the psych ward's rubber room, while his wife is in labor. And wonder if she's forgotten... =P

Family relationships are revisited, especially the interactions between his grandmother, his mother and father, and himself. Reading through those chapters, I am amazed at how well he seems to have (to me, anyway) recovered...

This was a quick, light (even with some heavier topics), read that I enjoyed quite a bit. Thanks to Amy at Phenix & Phenix for offering it for review. Want to buy the book? Click on the cover to purchase on Amazon.

Title: Confessions of a Former Child: A Therapist's Memoir
Author: Daniel J. Tomasulo
ISBN-10: 1-55597-499-6
ISBN-13: 978-1-55597-499-2
Paperback: 186 pages
Publisher: Graywolf Press, 2008


♔ jessica.marie said...

This book sounds very interesting....
I feel a special connection to it, since I also thought that I controlled traffic lights when I was younger.
I'm definitely going to put this one on my to be bought list.


Unknown said...

Great review Drey, I'm always afraid of the memoirs, they seem harder to review.


Emily Anne Carson said...

Thanks for this wonderful review. :)

Hope you had a great, book-filled weekend.


Rebecca Anne said...

I do love a memoir and will check out the Amazon site for it.
Thank so much and I bet it toughs reviewing a personal memoir compared to a regular novel~~
But you did good!

drey said...

Dottie & Rebecca Anne, thank you! I've been leery of reviewing non-fiction, because I don't really know what to expect, or if I've "gotten" it, y'know? With fiction it's easy to make it my "own" interpretation. Non-fiction, not so much...

bermudaonion said...

I think you got to this one pretty quick. I'm looking forward to reading it.

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