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26. No Experts Needed by Louise Lewis...

January 26, 2009
Title: No Experts Needed: The Meaning of Life According to You!
Author: Louise Lewis
ISBN-10: 0-595-42971-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-595-42971-4
Paperback: 208 pages
Publisher: iUniverse Inc, 2007

About the book: Losing a job always delivers a hard blow, but it was especially hard for forty-something author Louise Lewis, one of many victims of the technology industry's dotcom implosion. No Experts Needed: The Meaning of Life According to You! tells the story of how she pulled herself together and discovered a new life of meaning.

Just minutes after being "set free", Lewis, a single woman with a mortgage to pay, sits in the San Jose, California, airport panicking over her future. While toying with the option of giving into depression, she receives a powerful message from God that instantly releases the weight of her worries. "This is just a new chapter in your life. You hold the pen, I'll guide your hand, and together we'll write one hell of a chapter." Through Spirit's continued involvement, Lewis is inspired to ask normal, everyday people to answer Spirit's question: what is the meaning of life?

No Experts Needed: The Meaning of Life According to You! weaves through a vast collection of spontaneous, thought-provoking answers and inspirational stories that demonstrate how the simple act of listening to Spirit can add meaning to every moment of your life.

I have to admit that it's been a while since I've read an inspirational book. And even then, I probably would've just looked past this one. That would definitely have been my loss.

Louise Lewis writes this book with her heart. I love how she's open to other people, instead of closing herself off, like most people do. After all, life's busy. There's family, work, finances, child(ren), friends, etc. to expend your energy on and worry about. People tend to box their "life" up and only think about their box. Everyone who's not in that box are extras in a film - they're background noise. I know this, I've been there.

Louise's quest to get others to open up to the Spirit by answering that age-old question, "what's the meaning of life," starts on her birthday and takes her on a wonderful journey of discovery - both hers and her interviewees'. The answers she receives and experiences are as varied as the people who give them. And whether you believe in the Christian God, follow another religion, or don't believe, shouldn't stop you from answering her question. It's really not the answer, it's the process of reflection that precedes it, that's important - to the spirit, and the heart.

Living life by following Spirit instead of Ego isn't easy to do. If it were, there'd be more people like Louise around. Hats off to you, Louise.

Go to Louise's site to sign up for a free copy of this book. =)

Making the most of each moment of each day. Cherishing the experiences that make us all better people. Loving your neighbor as yourself.


Anonymous said...

I was able to read this book last year. Loved it!

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